Hey guys! Thought I'd drop in with my very first non-limerick entry.
I feel like I should start off by giving you all an update on the current zombie threat level.
Guarded isn't so bad. When the time does come for the apocalyptic undead invasion, I hope and pray you all will be prepared. Remember to have plenty of shotgun shells and swords available. Protect your own brains at all costs.
In other news, I am painfully close to the end of my high school career. This week is the last full week of high school for me. How very exciting.
I made a senior book today for people to sign. I never ordered one of those fancy ones, so I just slapped a label on a composition book. Classy, I know.
I was happy to finally get some recognition for my contributions to the drama club. The Best Performer Award was nice, even if the plaque did say journalism on it.
The Chorus Banquet on Monday should be fun, too.
And as for those Mets of mine, their third game in the series against the Pirates was rained out today. That's a blessing in disguise. Maine and Beltran get an extra day to heal and Redding doesn't have to pitch until the Nationals series. Cora and Reyes should be back soon. How exciting!!
Dirty limericks coming soon!
Until next time my babies,
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